If you're looking to improve your CrossFit performance and take your fitness to the next level, mastering the ground-to-overhead lift is an essential skill. This article explores the proper technique, safety tips, and form of the ground-to-overhead CrossFit exercise. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned athlete, this guide will help you understand how to perform this popular move correctly and efficiently.
Ground to Overhead CrossFit Overview
CrossFit Ground to Overhead (G2OH) is a popular CrossFit exercise that works the entire body. It involves lifting a weight from the ground up to an overhead position with arms fully extended. This exercise can be done with either a barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbell and can be modified for all levels of fitness.
The G2OH is beneficial because it strengthens all of the major muscle groups in the body, including the legs, core, shoulders, and back. It also increases flexibility and balance while working on coordination and power. Additionally, it helps build strength and endurance as well as improve posture since it requires you to keep your back straight during the movement.
Overall, G2OH is an excellent full-body exercise that should definitely be included in any CrossFit program. It offers many benefits including increased strength and mobility as well as improved coordination and balance. Plus, it’s fun to do!
Related: Mastering the Kettlebell Ground to Overhead Technique
Muscles Involved
The ground to overhead crossfit movement requires many muscles to work together in order to complete the lift. The primary muscle groups involved are the shoulders, back, and arms. The shoulder muscles that are used include the deltoids, rotator cuff muscles, and trapezius. The back muscles involved include the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and spinal erectors. Finally, the arm muscles used are the biceps and triceps.
In addition to these primary muscle groups, other smaller stabilizing muscles also come into play when completing a ground-to-overhead lift. These include the core muscles such as the abdominals and obliques which help stabilize your torso during this movement. Additionally, your forearms will be engaged as you grip the weight for stability throughout the lift.
Benefits of CrossFit Ground to Overhead
Ground to overhead crossfit is a great way to build strength and power in the upper body. Here are the benefits of this exercise:
Strength and Muscular Endurance
Ground to overhead exercises is a great way to build strength and muscular endurance. This type of exercise is typically performed by picking up a heavy object from the ground and then lifting it overhead. This exercise works for multiple muscle groups at once, including your legs, glutes, core, shoulders, arms, and back. By engaging so many muscle groups at once, you can quickly increase your overall strength and muscular endurance.
Ground-to-overhead exercises also help to improve coordination and balance while strengthening the stabilizer muscles in your body. When you lift an object from the ground to an overhead position, you must coordinate multiple muscle groups working together in order to complete the movement correctly. This helps to train your body for more complex movements that require coordination and balance.
Related: From Ground to Press: Amp Up Your Fitness Routine
Improved Coordination and Balance
Ground-to-overhead exercises is an excellent way to improve coordination and balance. By performing these exercises, you can develop better body awareness, stability, and control while moving. This can help you perform everyday tasks more efficiently and reduce your risk of injury.
The ground-to-overhead exercise involves picking up a weight from the ground and lifting it over your head in one smooth motion. This movement requires good coordination between the upper and lower body, as well as precise timing between the hip hinge and shoulder extension. Practicing this exercise will help you develop better coordination between the two muscle groups, allowing for smoother transitions during dynamic movements like running or jumping.
Risk of Injury Reduction
CrossFit ground to overhead is a great way to reduce the risk of injury. These exercises involve lifting a weight from the ground up to an overhead position, usually with one or two hands. This type of exercise helps to strengthen your core and improve your balance, which can help prevent injuries from occurring in other areas of your body.
Additionally, this type of exercise helps to increase your range of motion and flexibility, which can also help reduce the risk of injury. Finally, ground-to-overhead exercises can help improve posture and stability, both of which are important for preventing injuries. All in all, ground-to-overhead exercises offer many benefits that can help reduce the risk of injury.
Related: Mastering the Double DB Shoulder to Overhead Technique
Increased Cardiovascular Endurance
Ground-to-overhead exercises are a great way to increase cardiovascular endurance. This type of exercise involves moving the weight from the ground to above your head in one fluid motion. It is an effective full-body exercise that engages multiple muscle groups and can help improve overall strength, power, and endurance.
When performing the exercises, your heart rate will increase as you move the weight from the ground to above your head. This will cause your body to burn more calories and build up your cardiovascular endurance over time. Additionally, because this exercise requires you to use multiple muscle groups at once, it helps build muscular endurance as well.
Related: Discover Effective Clean and Jerk Alternative Exercises
How to Safely Perform Ground-to-Overhead Exercise
The ground to overhead crossfit is a great way to build strength and power in your upper body, but it’s important to perform the exercise correctly and safely. When performing the exercise, it’s best to start with light weight and focus on proper form.
- To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the weight in front of you with both hands.
- Bend at the knees and hips while keeping your back straight as you lower into a squat position.
- From here, explosively drive through your legs to stand up while simultaneously pressing the weight overhead.
- Make sure to keep your arms straight throughout the entire motion.
It’s also important to make sure that you have enough space around you when performing this exercise. You don’t want to hit any walls or other objects as you press the weight overhead. If possible, use a spotter who can help guide the weight if needed.

Tips for Executing Proper Form
Executing proper form for ground-to-overhead is essential for avoiding injury and maximizing the effectiveness of the exercise. Here are some tips to help you get it right:
- First, make sure you have a good grip on the weight. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your fingers should wrap around the bar tightly. This will help ensure that you don’t lose your grip during the lift.
- Second, keep your core tight throughout the entire movement. This will help stabilize your body and ensure that you’re using the correct form. Additionally, make sure to keep your back straight and avoid any excessive arching or rounding of your spine as this can lead to injury.
- Finally, focus on driving through your legs as you press the weight overhead. This will help generate momentum and ensure that you’re using the correct form throughout the entire lift.
Progressing the Movement
Progressing the movement of ground to overhead press requires a combination of strength, mobility, and coordination.
- Start by mastering the basic movement pattern with a lightweight.
- Make sure you are using proper form and technique, including having your core engaged and keeping your shoulders in a neutral position.
- Once you feel comfortable with the basic movement pattern, start adding weight while maintaining proper form.
You can also progress the movement by incorporating accessory exercises that target muscles used in the overhead press. Examples include shoulder presses with dumbbells or kettlebells, pull-ups, rows, and tricep extensions. These exercises will help strengthen the necessary muscles for the overhead press and increase overall stability.
WOD Variations for Training
There are many variations of the ground-to-overhead exercise that can be used to train for strength and power. The most common variation is the clean and jerk, which involves lifting a barbell from how to draw a fish step-by-step the ground to an overhead position in one motion. This exercise works all major muscle groups, including the legs, back, shoulders, and arms. Other variations include snatch grip deadlifts, hang cleans, push presses, and thrusters. Each variation targets different muscles and requires different levels of skill and technique.
For those looking to increase their strength and power in this exercise, it’s important to focus on form first. Make sure you’re using the proper technique for each variation before adding additional weight or intensity. Once you’ve mastered the basics of each movement pattern, you can begin adding weight or increasing speed/intensity. Additionally, performing sets of multiple reps at lighter weights can help build endurance and improve overall performance.
Incorporating Ground to Overhead into Workouts
Ground to overhead exercises is a great way to build strength and power in the upper body. The movement requires you to lift a weight from the ground up over your head, so it engages multiple muscle groups and can be a very effective exercise.
When incorporating ground-to-overhead exercises into your workouts, it's important to make sure that you have proper form. Start by mastering the basics of the movement with just your body weight before adding weights. When you do add weights, start light and gradually increase as you get more comfortable with the exercise. Make sure that you're engaging your core throughout the entire movement and keeping your back straight.
Finally, make sure that you don't overdo it when it comes to the ground to overhead movements. They can be quite taxing on your body, so listen to what it's telling you and take breaks when needed. Also, if any part of the movement feels uncomfortable or causes pain, stop immediately and consult a medical professional if necessary.
Safety Considerations
CrossFit ground-to-overhead exercises can be a great way to build strength and increase power, but it is important to take safety considerations seriously. To start, it is essential that athletes use proper form when performing these exercises. This means keeping the core tight, the back straight, and the head up.
It is also important for athletes to choose a weight that is appropriate for their level of experience and strength. If an athlete attempts too heavy of weight they may risk injury due to improper form or lack of control over the barbell. When selecting a weight, athletes should focus on maintaining good form and proper technique rather than lifting as much as possible.
Conclusion: Master the Ground to Overhead CrossFit Today!
CrossFit is a great way to get in shape and stay healthy. The ground-to-overhead movement is an important part of CrossFit that strengthens the entire body by engaging multiple muscle groups. Mastering this move will take time and dedication, but the results are worth it!
Start by practicing with lighter weights and focusing on proper form. Once you’ve got the basics down, gradually increase your weight and work on increasing your speed and power. Make sure to warm up before each workout and stretch afterward to reduce the risk of injury.
With consistency, patience, and hard work, you can master the ground to overhead CrossFit move today!